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Bad condition of a dog's teeth

Teeth Cleaning/Dental Care

Pets teeth accumulate plaque and tartar over the period of time. Degree of plaque and tartar formation depends on the breed, diet and what type of home dental care you are providing to your furry friend. When you opened your dog or cats mouth and if you notice an accumulation of yellow or brown material at the area where tooth meets the gumline especially over the cheek teeth and canines, it is time call us for a professional teeth cleaning.

Accumulation of plaque or tartar on teeth can lead to gingivitis or inflammation of gum tissue. If you notice any redness or inflammation of the gum tissue, call our First Coast Vets to schedule for professional teeth cleaning.

If gingivitis is left untreated, it will progress to periodontal disease and bad breath from your pets mouth. Periodontitis leads not only bad breath but also teeth will become loose and painful. Your pet may experience trouble chewing their food with periodontal disease. When you notice any bad breath and signs of periodontal disease, please call us to schedule to evaluate your pets oral condition. Our team of veterinarians may prescribe oral antibiotics after confirming that your pet has periodontal disease before scheduling for professional teeth cleaning.

Vet cleaning dog's teeth

What do you expect when you schedule your dog or cat for teeth cleaning or dental prophylaxis? Our team of veterinarians at First Coast Vets perform comprehensive physical exam and pre-operative blood work before general anesthesia. Once your pet is under anesthesia, we monitor pets vitals with monitoring devices every 5 minutes, perform oral exam, removal of gross plaque or tartar with high speed dental scaler, scaling or cleaning below the gumline, root planning and curettage, dental polishing, rinsing or irrigating the mouth, application of fluoride paste to prevent future cavities. Sometimes we do recommend dental X-rays to determine whether your pet needs any tooth extractions. Our team at First Coast recommends home dental care after professional teeth cleaning.

We offer affordable teeth cleaning packages at First Coast Vets Affordable Animal Hospital. See below for our estimated or approximate prices for dogs’ teeth cleaning.

  • Up to 25 lbs $248.50
  • 26 lbs to 50 lbs $285.50
  • 51 lbs to 100 lbs $348.50
  • Above 100 lbs $398.50

Teeth cleaning cost for your cat is also very affordable at our animal hospital.

  • Up to 10 lbs $228.50
  • 11 lbs to 20 lbs $268.50
 Injured teeth of a dog

If we notice any fractured or broken teeth, cavities or resorptive lesions, we call you to get your approval for extraction of broken tooth and teeth with resorptive lesions specifically in cats. Cost of tooth extraction varies depends on whether it is simple or complex extraction. All broken teeth need either a root canal, therapy, or extraction. If not properly treated, a broken tooth can cause pain, infection or an abscessed tooth.

NOTE: Post dental antibiotic injections, go home antibiotics, home dental care products are additional charges. These charges vary based on your pets exact body weight and pets oral condition. Our veterinarians recommend pre-anesthetic blood work before the dental cleaning to check internal organ function and blood cell count to make sure your pet is safe enough to go under general anesthesia and also select suitable anesthesia protocol to minimize the anesthesia risks. Our pre-anesthesia blood work cost is $95 regardless of weight range. We highly recommend this pre-op blood work to get to know your pets health status before anesthesia.

Spray and Dog

Key words: plaque, tartar, gingivitis, bad breath, oral condition, periodontal disease, teeth cleaning, dental prophylaxis, fractured or broken tooth/teeth, tooth extraction, home dental care.

White cat and vet

Affordable teeth cleaning for First Coast area pet owners

If you notice bad breath and heavy plaque, call us or schedule an appointment at First Coast Vet for teeth cleaning for your pet.

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